ASTRO-Tips for the Cancer ♋

♋ 5 𝗧𝗜𝗣S to strengthen the CANCER aspect in you! 

Regardless of which planet you have in Cancer according to your astrogram…

1. Take your intuition seriously.

2. Pay attention to the water, meditate on the natural cycle of water. Relax in a hot bath, swim in rivers, lakes, and the sea. In the glass of water, observe the entire water supply of the Earth, and in the drop of water, the entire ocean.

3. Listen to and follow the changes of the Moon. Look for it in the sky at least once every night and meditate on it, connect to it.

4. Connect with your mother with love and compassion. If you're in a good relationship with her, that's why, if you're not, then that's why. Connect with the Inner Mother within you. (Think about how, according to the Buddhists, everyone has been our mother, in our previous and next lives.)

5. Get into embryo pose, cover yourself and practice womb meditation. Connect with your mother, your family, your ancestors, your nation, your roots.

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